How to Make a Price List in Excel (Step by Step Guidelines)

Step 1 – Making an Outline of the Price List Template

We’ll start with the following dataset that contains various product details, including product codes and names, their prices and applicable VAT.

how to make a price list in Excel

  • We have created the basic outline of the Price List for the company.

how to make a price list in Excel

  • We have inserted the company details like the name, address, and contact number.

making outline

making outline

  • If you want to add some more information like Discounts, you can add it below the list of prices.

making outline

Read More: How to Make a To Do List in Excel

Step 2 – Creating a Dropdown to Make a Price List in Excel

  • Select the cells of the column Product Code where you want to have the dropdown list.
  • Go to the Data tab and select Data Validation.

how to make a price list in Excel

  • The Data Validation dialog box will pop up.
  • Select the List option in the Allow box.
  • Use the following formula in the Source box and press OK.

Here, Data! is the sheet name and $B$5:$B$13 is the range containing the Product Code numbers in that sheet for different products.

Dropdown list

  • You will get the dropdown sign in the cells of the Product Code column and can choose any of the Product Codes from the list.

Dropdown list

  • We have selected a few Product Codes:

how to make a price list in Excel

Dropdown list

  • Select the codes from the list for the rest of the cells.

how to make a price list in Excel

Read More: How to Create List from Range in Excel

Step 3 – Using Formulas to Make a Price List in Excel

  • Enter the following formula in cell C9 and drag down the Fill Handle tool.

Here, B9 is the lookup value, Data!$B$4:$E$13 is the table array where Data! is the sheet name, 2 is the column number of the column Product Name and FALSE is for an exact match. IFERROR makes sure that the cells remain blank if the value is not found.

how to make a price list in Excel

  • This fills the Product Name column.

using formula

You can get the values of Unit Prices and VAT for the corresponding Product Codes in the Unit Price and VAT columns, respectively, by using the following formulas:


using formula


using formula

  • Enter the total number of each product in the Qty column.

how to make a price list in Excel

  • Use the following formula in cell F9 to get the total price of the products excluding VAT and drag down the Fill Handle tool.

using formula

  • Here’s the finalized column for the sample.

using formula

  • Use the following formula in cell H9 and drag down the Fill Handle tool.

using formula

  • Here are the results.

using formula

  • We have completed the outline of the Price List.

how to make a price list in Excel

Step 4 – Saving and Resuming the Price List Template

  • Go to Developer tab and select Visual Basic.

how to make a price list in Excel

  • The Visual Basic Editor will open.
  • Go to the Insert tab and select Module.

VBA Code to save and resume

  • A Module will be created.

VBA Code to save and resume

  • Insert the following code that saves the sheet in a PDF.
Sub savepricelist()

Set ws = Worksheets("Template")
ws.Range("A1:H22").ExportAsFixedFormat xlTypePDF, _
Filename:="C:\Users\USER\Downloads\" & "PriceList", _

End Sub

The Template is the sheet name and A1:H22 is the range of the sheet you want to save.

how to make a price list in Excel

  • Use the following code for resuming the datasheet for new entries:
Sub resumeList()


End Sub

This code will clear ranges B9:B17 and D9:D17.

VBA Code to save and resume

  • Return to the sheet and insert two buttons for these two macros (Developer >> Insert >> Button in Form Controls).

VBA Code to save and resume

  • When you click on the button option, the cursor changes to a plus sign. Click and drag to draw the button.

how to make a price list in Excel

  • Right-click on the button.

VBA Code to save and resume

  • Select the Assign Macro option.

VBA Code to save and resume

  • From the list of Macro names, choose savepricelist and press OK.

VBA Code to save and resume

  • Rewrite the button name and change it into SAVE.

how to make a price list in Excel

  • We have created a button RESUME by assigning the macro resumelist to it.

VBA Code to save and resume

  • Click on the SAVE button.

VBA Code to save and resume

  • You will get the following PDF file.

how to make a price list in Excel

  • Click the RESUME button.

VBA Code to save and resume

  • This removes all data.

VBA Code to save and resume

  • Input the necessary values again.

VBA Code to save and resume

  • You will get the rest of the information.

VBA Code to save and resume

  • Here’s a new sample sheet for a different day.

how to make a price list in Excel

Read More: How to Make a Numbered List in Excel

Download the Free Template

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Tanjima Hossain
Tanjima Hossain

TANJIMA HOSSAIN is a marine engineer who enjoys working with Excel and VBA programming. For her, programming is a handy, time-saving tool for managing data, files, and online tasks. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. She holds a B.Sc. in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET and is now a content developer. In this role, she creates tech-focused content centred around Excel and VBA. Apart from... Read Full Bio

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