How to Create Money Management Excel Sheet for Trading

We need four main components in a money management Excel sheet for trading:

  • “Key Factors”
  • “Date for Trades”
  • “Probable Trades (Qty Calculation)”
  • “Actual Trades”

Here is the final snapshot of our money management Excel sheet for trading.

Money Management Excel Sheet for Trading

Step 1 – Inputting Key Factors for Trading

  • Insert the following key factors, one in each cell:
    • “Beginning Capital” → the initial investment from an individual to start this trading.
    • “Worst Case Loss” → the maximum amount of loss that a person can suffer, which ranges from 20% to 30%.
    • “Risk per Trade” → this is the amount of risk that will be taken for each trade and it should be less than 2%.
    • “Income” → the profit or loss generated from actual trading.
    • “Current Capital” → summation of the initial capital and the profit or loss amount.

Money Management Excel Sheet for Trading 2

  • Type the amount of beginning capital.
  • The “worst case loss” is equal to 25% of the “beginning capital”. The industry’s standard risk ranges from 20% to 30%. Use the following formula in cell C6.


Money Management Excel Sheet for Trading 3

  • We keep our risk to 1%. This risk should be between 0.5% and 2%. If you take less than 0.5%, then your risk will be too low. Use this formula in cell C7.


Money Management Excel Sheet for Trading 4

  • Add the start and exit dates for your trade.
  • Input the values for the “Income” and “Current Capital” cells.

Money Management Excel Sheet for Trading 5

Step 2 – Trade Quantity Calculation

  • Insert the following fields:
    • Stock → List the company you want to buy or sell.
    • Status → Short or Long.
    • Start Price → The price of the stock on the starting date.
    • Stop Loss → To limit your loss.
    • Risk → The difference between the “Start Price” and the “Stop Loss”.
    • Qty → We will calculate this from these values and the risks from the first step.

Money Management Excel Sheet for Trading 6

  • Input the details of the probable trades.

Money Management Excel Sheet for Trading 7

  • Use this formula in cell F13 to find the risks related to Company A’s stock.


  • Our values are higher in the Start Price column. If yours are not, you can use this formula to get positive values.


  • AutoFill the formula into the rest of the cells.

Excel Sheet for Trading 8

  • Use this formula in cell G13.


This formula divides the “Risk per Trade” amount by the “Risk of each company’s stock”. Then, it rounds up or down to the nearest multiple of 5.

Money Management Excel Sheet for Trading 9

  • Press Enter and then AutoFill the formula to the rest of the cells.


  • Here’s the probable trades table.

Money Management Excel Sheet for Trading 10

Step 3 – Adding Actual Trades

  • Insert the following data into the sheet:
    • Stock → List the company you want to buy or sell, taken from the last step.
    • Status → Short or Long, taken from the last step.
    • Start Price → The price of the stock on the starting date, taken from step 2.
    • Qty → obtained from step 2.
    • Stop Loss → To limit your loss, obtained from the last step.
    • Exit Price → The selling price of the stocks.
    • Income → Profit or loss gained from selling the stocks, which we will calculate using a formula.

Actual Trades Blank

  • Input in the relevant data.

Money Management Excel Sheet for Trading 11

  • Use the following formula in cell H19.

=IF(C19="Long", G19*E19-D19*E19, (D19*E19-G19*E19))

Sheet for Trading 12

  • Press Enter and AutoFill the formula into the rest of the cells.

Sample Dataset 1

Formula Breakdown

  • The logical_test of this formula is C19 = ”Long”. If this is true, then the first part of the formula executes. Alternatively, the second part of the formula will be executed.
  • Our formula reduces to → IF(TRUE,-1005,1005)
    • Output: -1005.
    • As this is true so the first part of the formula will be executed.

Actual Trades

Step 4 – Calculating the Total Income from Trades

  • Use the following formula in cell C8. This formula adds all the profit or loss from all the trades


  • Press Enter.

Calculating Overall Profit or Loss

  • We will find the amount of Current Capital by using this formula in cell C9.


Finding Current Capital

  • Here’s the finalized money management sheet for trading.

Money Management Excel Sheet for Trading

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Rafiul Haq
Rafiul Haq

Rafiul Haq worked as an Excel and VBA Content Developer in Exceldemy for over two years and published almost 200 articles for the website. He is passionate about exploring new aspects of Excel and VBA. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) from the Islamic University of Technology. Rafiul furthered his education by obtaining an MBA in Finance from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at the University of Dhaka. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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