How to Create Popup Reminder in Excel (3 Ideal Examples)

In this article, we will demonstrate 3 examples of how to create a popup reminder in Excel. We’ll use the dataset below to illustrate our methods:

popup reminder in excel

Example 1 – Popup Reminder for Due Dates

To set a due date reminder, we will use some Visual Basics for Applications (VBA) code that will pop up a reminder with the name of the Buyer if their Due Date has passed.


  • Select the active sheet from the Sheet Tab at the bottom of the worksheet and right-click on the sheet name.
  • From the Context Menu, select View code.

Add Popup Reminder for Due Dates in Excel

  • Enter the following code in the code window that opens:
Option Explicit
Sub DueDat()
Dim DueDatCol As Range
Dim DueD As Range
Dim PopUpNot As String
Set DueDatCol = Range("D5:D9")
For Each DueD In DueDatCol
If DueD <> "" And Date >= DueD - Range("D11") Then
PopUpNot = PopUpNot & " " & DueD.Offset(0, -2)
End If
Next DueD
If PopUpNot = "" Then
MsgBox "No buyer to chase today."
Else: MsgBox "Chase these buyers today: " & PopUpNot
End If
End Sub

Note: In the code segment If Due <> “” And Date >= Due – Range(“D11”) Then, as we didn’t include any value in Cell D11 our due dates will be counted if the date in the dataset is the current date or any future date.
  • Click the Run button from the VBA window.

Running the code will take us to the worksheet and show the reminder with the names of the buyers with overdue dates.

  • To test the code, change the due date of a buyer so that its overdue.
  • Run the code again.

A new name will be added in the reminder popup notification.

popup reminder in excel result

Example 2 – Popup Reminder Based on Cell Value

Now let’s create a popup reminder when we select a cell with a specific numeric value. We’ll use the same dataset as in the first example above.

Insert Popup Reminder Based on Cell Value


  • Right-click on the sheet name from the Sheet Tab at the bottom.
  • Choose View code from the context menu.

  • Enter the following code in the code window that opens:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim xCl As Range, Rng As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    Set Rng = Application.Intersect(Target, Range("C5:C9"))
    If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
        For Each xCl In Rng
            If xCl.Value = "50000" Then
                MsgBox "You selected cell " & xCl.Address, vbInformation, "Reminder in Excel"
                Exit Sub
            End If
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_selectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim xCl As Range, Rng As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    Set Rng = Application.Intersect(Target, Range("C5:C9"))
    If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
        For Each xCl In Rng
            If xCl.Value = "50000" Then
                MsgBox "You selected cell " & xCl.Address, vbInformation, "Reminder in Excel"
                Exit Sub
            End If
    End If
End Sub

Note: In the code segment If xCl.Value = “50000” Then, change the 50000 to enable the popup reminder for whatever number you want.
  • Go back to the worksheet and select random cells.

A popup reminder will appear when we select a cell having a value of 50000.

popup reminder in excel result

Read More: How to Create Notifications or Reminders in Excel

Example 3 – Popup Reminder as Alarm

We can also use VBA code to set a popup reminder as an alarm.


  • Open the worksheet in the location where you want the popup reminder as alarm.

Set Popup Reminder as Alarm in Excel

  • Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA window.
  • From VBA Projects select the active sheet and right-click.
  • Select Insert > Module.

  • In the code window that appears, enter the following code:
Dim Alrm As Double
Dim Mesage As String
Sub PopupAlarmReminder()
Dim Whn As String
If Alrm = 0 Then
Whn = InputBox("What time would you like the reminder message to Popup?")
If Whn <> "" And Whn <> "False" Then
Mesage = InputBox("Please enter the reminder message")
On Error Resume Next
Alrm = Date + TimeValue(Whn)
On Error GoTo 0
Application.OnTime Alrm, " PopupReminder "
End If
Application.Speech.Speak Mesage
MsgBox Mesage
Mesage = ""
Alrm = 0
End If
End Sub

  • Click the Run button.

A Microsoft Excel window will pop up asking for a reminder time.

  • Set a time and click OK.

A second window will appear.

  • Enter the desired reminder message.
  • Click OK.

  • Wait for the alarm time.

An alarm with a popup reminder will appear at the time we set it.

popup reminder in excel result

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Mehedi Hasan Shimul
Mehedi Hasan Shimul

Md. Mehedi Hasan, with a BSc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, holds a crucial position as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy. Driven by a deep passion for research and innovation, he actively immerses himself in Excel. In his role, Mehedi not only skillfully addresses complex challenges but also exhibits enthusiasm and expertise in gracefully navigating tough situations, emphasizing his steadfast commitment to consistently deliver exceptional and quality content.... Read Full Bio

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