How to Lock Certain Cells in Excel (4 Methods)

We will use a sample dataset containing Date, Product, Price, Quantity, and Sales. We’ll lock some cells so they can’t be edited.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel

How to Lock Certain Cells in Excel: 4 Simple Ways

Method 1- Lock Cells in Excel Using the Home Tab

By default, the worksheet is locked. We need to unlock the entire worksheet to lock certain cells as we want.


  • Select the entire worksheet by clicking on the sign as shown in the image.

  • Right-click on the selection and choose Format Cells.

All the cells are by default locked.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel format cell

  • Uncheck the Locked option and click OK.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel

  • Select the cells we want to lock (we want to lock the Product and Quantity columns).
  • Go to Home, choose Format, and select Lock Cells.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel using home tab

  • Go to the Review tab and select Protect Worksheet.

  •  A dialog box will pop up. Enter a password.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel review tab

  • Click OK and re-enter the password.

  • Click OK and all the cells from the selected columns will be locked.
  • Click on any of the cells in those selected columns and a message box will pop up.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel proctect sheet

Read More: How to Protect Excel Cells with Formulas

Method 2 – Using Format Cells to Lock Certain Cells

We want to lock all the cells in the Product column.


  • Select the entire worksheet by clicking on the top-left sign as shown in the image.

  • Right-click and select Format Cells.

  • All the cells are by default locked.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel format cell

  • Uncheck the Locked option and click OK.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel

  • Select the cells in Product column and press Ctrl + 1.
  • Check the Locked box.
  • Click OK.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel by shortcut

  • Go to the Review tab and follow the rest of the steps from Method 1.

Read More: How to Protect Excel Cells with Password

Method 3 – Lock Cells Containing Formulas


  • Select the entire worksheet by clicking on the top-left sign as shown in the image.

  • Right-click and select Format Cells.

  • You’ll get a Format Cells dialog.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel format cell

  • Uncheck the Locked option and click OK.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel

  • Press Ctrl +G and a dialog box will pop up.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel paste special formula

  • Select Special to get another dialog.
  • Select the Formulas option.

Lock formula Cells in Excel

  • Click OK and you’ll have all cells with formulas selected.

  • Lock the cells by following Method 1 or 2.

Read More: How to Protect Cells Without Protecting Sheet in Excel

Method 4 – VBA to Lock Certain Cells


  • Right-click on the sheet name and go to View Code.

Lock Certain Cells in Excel vba

  • Copy and paste the VBA code below.

VBA code:

Sub CertainCellLocker()
Selection.Locked = False
Selection.Locked = True
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="exceldemy"
ActiveSheet.Range("B5:B13,F5:F13").Cells.Locked = True
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="exceldemy"
End Sub

Lock Certain Cells in Excel vba macro

We specified the cells by Range(“B5:B13,F5:F13”).Select and locked them through the code Selection.Locked = True.

  • Press the F5 or play button to run the code.

Practice Section

We’ve attached a practice section so you can test these methods.

Download the Practice Workbook

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Mahbubur Rahman
Mahbubur Rahman

MAHBUBUR RAHMAN is a leather engineer with a talent for Excel and a passion for VBA programming. To him, programming is like a time-saving wizard, making data manipulation, file handling, and internet interactions a breeze. His skill set extends to SPSS, STATA, Deep Neural Networks, and Machine Learning. Holding a B.Sc in Leather Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, he's shifted to become a content developer. In this role, he crafts technical content centred around Excel... Read Full Bio

  1. Mahbubur,

    Thank you so much for a concise and detailed IFU. I had learned how to do this years ago, but not having done it in a few years left me lost! There are other ways to do it, but to me, this is the “old” way but I still prefer it.
    Thanks again.

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