How to Reverse Names in Excel (5 Handy Methods)

Method 1 – Using Flash Fill Feature to Reverse Names in Excel


  • Enter the first name in your desired order as shown below.

Using Flash Fill Feature to Reverse Names in Excel

  • Select the first cell of the Reverse Name column and go to the Home tab >> Fill drop-down >> Flash Fill.

  • Click on cell C5 and then drag down the Fill Handle tool for other cells.

Using Flash Fill Feature to Reverse Names in Excel

  • If you get the desired output, click on the icon shown in the following image and select Accept suggestions.

Using Flash Fill Feature to Reverse Names in Excel


Method 2 – Reversing Names with MID, SEARCH, and LEN Functions


  • Select cell C5 and enter the following formula.
=MID(B5&” “&B5,SEARCH(” “,B5)+1,LEN(B5))

The other option is to enter it on the function box.

B5 is the First Name of the employee.

Formula Breakdown:

  • LEN(B5) → becomes
    • LEN(“Henry Matt”) → The LEN function determines the length of the characters
      • Output → 10
    • SEARCH(” “,B5) → becomes
      • SEARCH(” “,“Henry Matt”) → The SEARCH function finds the position of space in the text Henry Matt
        • Output → 6
      • SEARCH(” “,B5)+1 → becomes
        • 6+1 → 7
      • B5&” “&B5 → becomes
        • “Henry Matt”&” “&“Henry Matt” → The Ampersand Operator will add up the two texts Henry Matt
          • Output → “Henry Matt Henry Matt”
        • MID(B5&” “&B5,SEARCH(” “,B5)+1,LEN(B5)) → becomes
          • MID(“Henry Matt Henry Matt”,7,10) → 7 is the start number of the characters and 10 is the total number of characters which we will extract using the MID function from the text “Henry Matt Henry Matt”.
            • Output → Matt Henry

  • Press ENTER.

Use the Fill Handle tool for the remaining cells.

Applying MID, SEARCH, and LEN Functions to Reverse Names in Excel

Method 3 – Flipping Names with Comma in Excel


  • Select cell C5 and enter the following formula.

=MID(B5&” “&B5,SEARCH(“,”,B5)+2,LEN(B5)-1)

B5 is the First Name of the employee.

Formula Breakdown:

  • LEN(B5)-1 → becomes
    • LEN((“Henry, Matt”)-1) → The LEN function determines the length of the characters
      • Output → 10
    • SEARCH(“, “,B5) → becomes
      • SEARCH(“, “,“Henry, Matt”) → The SEARCH function finds the position of space in the text Henry Matt
        • Output → 6
      • SEARCH(” “,B5)+2 → becomes
        • 6+2 → 8
      • B5&” “&B5 → becomes
        • “Henry, Matt”&” “&“Henry, Matt” → The Ampersand Operator will add up the two texts Henry Matt
          • Output → “Henry, Matt Henry, Matt”
        • =MID(B5&” “&B5,SEARCH(“,”,B5)+2,LEN(B5)-1)→ becomes
          • MID(“Henry, Matt Henry, Matt”,8,10) → 8 is the start number of the characters and 10 is the total number of characters which we will extract using the MID function from the text “Henry, Matt Henry, Matt”.
            • Output → Matt Henry

Flipping Names in Excel with Comma

  • Press ENTER.
  • Use the Fill Handle tool for the remaining cells.

The result will be displayed in the Reverse Name column.

Method 4 – Reversing Names in Excel Without a Comma


  • Select the cell C5 and enter the following formula.
=MID(B5&”, “&B5,SEARCH(” “,B5)+1,LEN(B5)+1)

B5 is the First Name of the employee.

Formula Breakdown:

  • LEN(B5)+1 → becomes
    • LEN((“Henry Matt”)+1) → The LEN function determines the length of the characters
      • Output → 11
    • SEARCH(“, “,B5)+1 → becomes
      • SEARCH((“, “, “Henry Matt”)+1) → The SEARCH function finds the position of space in the text Henry Matt
        • Output → 6+1→7
      • B5&”, “&B5 → becomes
        • “Henry Matt”&”,”&“Henry Matt” → The Ampersand Operator will add up the two texts Henry Matt
          • Output → “Henry Matt, Henry Matt”
        • =MID(B5&” “&B5,SEARCH(“,”,B5)+2,LEN(B5)-1)→ becomes
          • MID(“Henry Matt, Henry Matt”,7,11) → 7 is the start number of the characters and 11 is the total number of characters which we will extract using the MID function from the text “Henry Matt, Henry Matt”.
            • Output → Matt, Henry

  • Press ENTER.
  • Use the Fill Handle tool for the remaining cells.

How to Reverse Names in Excel Flipping Names Without Comma

The following result will be displayed.

Read More: How to Reverse a String in Excel

Method 5 – Reversing Names with Excel VBA


  • Go to the Developer tab >> Visual Basic option.

Using VBA code to reverse names in excel

  • Click on the Insert tab and select the Module option.

Opening Module

Module 1 will be created where we will insert our code.

Module 1

  • Enter the following VBA code inside the created module
Sub name_flip()
Dim rng As Range
Dim wrk_rng As Range
Dim sym As String
On Error Resume Next
Set wrk_rng = Application.Selection
Set wrk_rng = Application.InputBox("Range", "Exceldemy", wrk_rng.Address, Type:=8)
sym = Application.InputBox("Symbol interval", "Exceldemy", " ", Type:=2)
For Each rng In wrk_rng
    yValue = rng.Value
    name_list = VBA.Split(yValue, sym)
    If UBound(name_list) = 1 Then
        rng.Offset(0, 1) = name_list(1) + sym + name_list(0)
    End If
End Sub name_flip is the sub-procedure name. We have declared rng, wrk_rng as Range, sym as String. 

Using Excel VBA code to reverse the name

  • Run the code by pressing F5.
  • In the input box, select all the cells you want to reverse ($B$5:$B$8 is our selected range) and press OK.

Using Excel VBA Code

  • Another input box will pop up.
  • Enter a comma (,) as the symbol for interval and press OK.

  • You will get your result.

Read More: How to Use Excel VBA to Reverse String

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Fahim Shahriyar Dipto
Fahim Shahriyar Dipto

Fahim Shahriyar Dipto is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering at BUET. With over 1.5 years of experience at Exceldemy, he authored 70+ articles on ExcelDemy. He has expertise in designing worksheets at You’ve Got This Math. Currently, He is a Team Leader at Brainor. Dipto's passion extends to exploring various aspects of Excel. Beyond tech, he enjoys creating engaging kids' worksheets using Illustrator. A dedicated employee and innovative content developer, He incorporates a commitment to academic excellence and... Read Full Bio

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    Muhamamd Shahid Iqbal Sep 23, 2022 at 3:58 PM

    I Want to Copy many Rows by Selection from one sheet to another sheet using Macro. Is it possible?

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