Split Column in Excel by Word (5 Effective Ways)

Suppose we have a list of addresses in a column as shown below. Each cell of the column contains the word SUITE. Let’s split the column by that word.

Method 1 – Using Text to Columns Feature


  • Select the range B5:B9.
  • Press CTRL+H to open the Find and Replace window.
  • Enter SUITE (the desired word) in the Find what field and #SUITE in the Replace with field. Use another character if the column already contains the # character.
  • Press the Replace All button.
  • Click OK to close the Find and Replace window.

  • Select Data >> Text to Columns.

Split Column by Word with Text to Columns Wizard

  • In Step 1, mark the Delimited data type.
  • Select Next.

  • In Step 2, check Other for Delimiters and use # as the delimiter.
  • Click Next.

  • In Step 3, use the upward arrow in the Destination field to select the destination for the split data.
  • Click the Finish button.

The data is split as specified.

Split Column by Word with Text to Columns Wizard

  • Remove the # character from the original column.

Method 2 – Using the Flash Fill Feature

We can use the Flash Fill feature to achieve the same result.


  • Copy the text before the # character in cell B5 and paste it into cell C5.
  • Press CTRL+E while you are in cell C6.

The following result is returned.

Split Column by Word with Flash Fill in Excel

  • Copy the text after the # character in cell B5 and paste it into cell D5.
  • Press CTRL+E while you are in cell D6.

The sequence is repeated in the rest of the series.

Method 3 – Combining RIGHT, LEFT, and LEN Functions with SEARCH

Alternatively, we can combine the LEFT, RIGHT, LEN, and SEARCH functions.


  • Enter the following formula in cell C5 and use the Fill Handle icon to apply it to the cells below:

  • Apply the following formula in cell D5 and drag the Fill Handle icon to the cells below:

Split Column by Word with Formula

Method 4 – Using the Power Query Tool


  • Select the entire range of data.
  • Select Data >> From Table/Range.
  • Click OK.

The Power Query Editor will open.

  • Select Replace Values from the Home tab in the editor.

  • Enter SUITE in the Value to Find field and #SUITE in the Replace With field.
  • Click OK.

  • Select Split Column >> By Delimiter.

Split Column by Word with Power Query

  • Use the drop-down arrow for the custom delimiter and enter # in the delimiter field.
  • Click OK.

  • Select Close & Load >> Close & Load To.

  • Use the upward arrow to select the location for the split data in the same worksheet.
  • Click OK.

The desired result is returned.

Method 5 – Using VBA Code


  • Press ALT+F11 to open the VBA window.
  • Select Insert >> Module to create a new blank module.

  • Copy the following code:
Sub SplitColumnByWord()
    Selection.Replace What:="SUITE", Replacement:="#SUITE", LookAt:=xlPart, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, FormulaVersion:=xlReplaceFormula2
    Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("C5"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
        TextQualifier:=xlNone, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Other:=True, OtherChar:="#", _
    Selection.Replace What:="#SUITE", Replacement:="SUITE", LookAt:=xlPart, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, FormulaVersion:=xlReplaceFormula2
End Sub
  • Paste the copied code in the blank module.

Split Column by Word with Excel VBA

  • Keep the cursor on the code and press F5 to run it.

The same result as earlier is returned.

Explanation of the VBA Code:

Sub SplitColumnByWord()
Write the code inside this sub procedure.

Select the dataset in the target column.

Selection.Replace What:=”SUITE”, Replacement:=”#SUITE”, LookAt:=xlPart, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, FormulaVersion:=xlReplaceFormula2
Add # before the desired word. Use a different one if it already exists in the dataset.

Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range(“C5”), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
        TextQualifier:=xlNone, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Other:=True, OtherChar:=”#”, _
Split the column based on the position of the # character.

Selection.Replace What:=”#SUITE”, Replacement:=”SUITE”, LookAt:=xlPart, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, FormulaVersion:=xlReplaceFormula2
Remove the # sign from the original dataset.

Things to Remember

  • Use a different character if the # sign is already present in the data.
  • Modify the VBA code according to the dataset you are working with.

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Md. Shamim Reza
Md. Shamim Reza

Md. Shamim Reza, a marine engineer with expertise in Excel and a fervent interest in VBA programming, sees programming as a time-saving tool for data manipulation, file handling, and internet interaction. His diverse skill set encompasses Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, AutoCAD, Deep Neural Networks, and Machine Learning. He holds a B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET and has transitioned into a content developer role, generating technical content focused on Excel and VBA. Beyond his professional pursuits,... Read Full Bio

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