How to Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Worksheets (3 Methods)

Here’s an overview of splitting an Excel sheet into multiple worksheets.

split Excel sheet into multiple worksheets

We’ll use a sample dataset representing the sales information of different months.

Sample Dataset

Method 1 – Using Filter and Copy to Split an Excel Sheet into Multiple Worksheets


  • Select the cell range where you want to apply the Filter. We selected the cell range B3:E15.
  • Open the Data tab and select Filter.
  • You also can use CTRL + SHIFT + L to apply Filter using the keyboard.

Using Filter and Copy to Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Worksheets

  • A Filter is applied to the selected cell range.
  • Click on the Month column since that’s what we’re using to split the sheet.
  • We deselected everything except January.
  • Click OK.

  • All the values where the Month is January are filtered.
  • Copy the data and Paste it into a new worksheet.

Using Filter and Copy to Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Worksheets

  • We named the new sheet January. Thus, you will see all sales information for January is presented here. 

  • Repeat the process for other months.

Using Filter and Copy to Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Worksheets

  • Copy the data and paste it into new worksheets.

  • We named the second sheet February.

  • Repeat the filtering process for March.

Using Filter and Copy to Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Worksheets

  • Copy the data and paste it into the new worksheet.

Using Filter and Copy to Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Worksheets

  • We named the new sheet March.

Method 2 – Splitting an Excel Sheet into Multiple Worksheets Based on Row Count Using VBA


  • Make the dataset start from the first row and remove column headers.
  • Open the Developer tab and select Visual Basic.

  • You’ll get the window for Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.
  • From Insert, select Module.

  • A Module will open.
  • Insert the following code in the Module.
Sub SplitExcelSheet_into_MultipleSheets()
Dim WorkRng As Range
Dim xRow As Range
Dim SplitRow As Integer
Dim xWs As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
EcelTitleId = "Split Row Numt"
Set WorkRng = Application.Selection
Set WorkRng = Application.InputBox("Range", ExcelTitleId, WorkRng.Address, Type:=8)
SplitRow = Application.InputBox("Split Row Num", ExcelTitleId, 4, Type:=1)
Set xWs = WorkRng.Parent
Set xRow = WorkRng.Rows(1)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 1 To WorkRng.Rows.Count Step SplitRow
    resizeCount = SplitRow
    If (WorkRng.Rows.Count - xRow.Row + 1) < SplitRow Then resizeCount = WorkRng.Rows.Count - xRow.Row + 1
    Application.Worksheets.Add after:=Application.Worksheets(Application.Worksheets.Count)
    Set xRow = xRow.Offset(SplitRow)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Split Excel Sheet Based on Row Count Using VBA

We’ve created a sub-procedure called SplitExcelSheet_into_MultipleSheets.

We declared a couple of variables these are WorkRng and xRow as Range type then SplitRow as Integer also xWs as Worksheet type.

We used ExcelTitleId to give the dialog box a title.

We’ve provided split row number 4 to split data by 4 rows because in my dataset the Month of January has 4 rows.

We used a For loop to SplitRow until the given cell range ends.

  • Save the code and go back to the worksheet.
  • Open the Developer tab.
  • From Insert, select Button

  • A dialog box will pop up. Select SplitExcelSheet_into_Multiplesheets from Macro Name and click OK.

Split Excel Sheet Based on Row Count Using VBA

  • Click on the button to run the macro.

  • A dialog box will pop up where you can put the data range. We selected the cell range B1:E12
  • Click OK.

Split Excel Sheet Based on Row Count Using VBA

  • Another dialog box will pop up to show you the selected row count you already provided in the code to split the dataset. We put 4 as Split Row Num.

  • You’ll get three sheets.

  • In Sheet1, you will see the data of the first 4 rows.

Split Excel Sheet Based on Row Count Using VBA

  • In Sheet2, you will see the data of rows 5 to 8.

Split Excel Sheet Based on Row Count Using VBA

  • In Sheet3, you will see the data of the last 4 rows.

Split Excel Sheet

Method 3 – Splitting an Excel Sheet into Multiple Workbooks Based on Column


  • Move the data so it starts from A1.
  • Open the Developer tab and select Visual Basic.

Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Workbook Based on Column

  • From Insert, select Module

  • A Module will open.
  • TInsert the following code in the Module.
Sub SplitSheetIntoMultipleWorkbooksBasedOnColumn()
    Dim objWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim nLastRow, nRow, nNextRow As Integer
    Dim strColumnValue As String
    Dim objDictionary As Object
    Dim varColumnValues As Variant
    Dim varColumnValue As Variant
    Dim objExcelWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
    Dim objSheet As Excel.Worksheet
    Set objWorksheet = ActiveSheet
    nLastRow = objWorksheet.Range("A" & objWorksheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    For nRow = 2 To nLastRow
        strColumnValue = objWorksheet.Range("C" & nRow).Value
        If objDictionary.Exists(strColumnValue) = False Then
           objDictionary.Add strColumnValue, 1
        End If
    varColumnValues = objDictionary.Keys
    For i = LBound(varColumnValues) To UBound(varColumnValues)
        varColumnValue = varColumnValues(i)
        Set objExcelWorkbook = Excel.Application.Workbooks.Add
        Set objSheet = objExcelWorkbook.Sheets(1)
        objSheet.Name = objWorksheet.Name
        For nRow = 2 To nLastRow
            If CStr(objWorksheet.Range("C" & nRow).Value) = CStr(varColumnValue) Then     
               nNextRow = objSheet.Range("A" & objWorksheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
               objSheet.Range("A" & nNextRow).Select
            End If
End Sub

Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Workbook Based on Column

  • Save the code and go back to the worksheet.
  • Open the View tab.
  • From Macros, select View Macros

Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Workbook Based on Column

  • A dialog box will pop up.

  • From Macro name select SplitSheetIntoMultipleWorkbooksBasedOnColumn, and select the workbook within Macros in.
  • Run the selected macro.
  • You will see 3 new workbooks have been created as there are 3 different Months in column C. The Book1 is for January.

  • The Book2 is for February.

Split Excel Sheet into Multiple Workbook Based on Column

  • The Book3 is for March.

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Shamima Sultana
Shamima Sultana

Shamima Sultana, BSc, Computer Science and Engineering, East West University, Bangladesh, has been working with the ExcelDemy project for 2 years. She has written reviewed 1000+ articles for ExcelDemy. She has also led several teams with Excel VBA and Content Development works. Currently, she is working as the Project Manager and oversees the day-to-day work, leads the services team, allocates resources to the right area, etc. Her work and learning interests vary from Microsoft Office Suites, and Excel... Read Full Bio

  1. Hi Shamima! Thank you for your hard work! I have been searching a tool for cutting my big excel file and your last code saved my life! Thank you so much!

  2. Hi Shamima, thanks for this and could I clarify something? Using method 3 to split via column value, if I need to run the macro after the first use (wherein the macro creates the new sheets) to account for new data does the macro just update the sheets it created in the first use?


    • Hello Michelle,
      Hope you are doing well. If you need to run the macro after the first use it will create new sheets with the updates you made on your dataset.

      It won’t automatically update the workbooks created previously (Book1, Book2, and Book3) rather it will create Book4, Book5, and Book6 with the updated dataset.

      Shamima Sultana

  3. Hi SHAMIMA,

    when I used the code for a smaller sheet with the smaller split numbers it works perfectly but I need to split a file that include 1M records into 10 sheets that include 100,000 records. Do you know how can I achieve that?

    • Hi Milad,
      Thanks for your question.
      According to your requirement, I have created a random dataset containing 1M records within 1M rows of a dataset in Excel. Using a VBA code, I will split it into 10 different worksheets each containing 100,000 rows.
      • Type the following VBA code. Here, instead of using the InputBox method, we are directly declaring the total range and the split number in the code which will expediate running the code.

      Sub SplitExcelSheet_into_MultipleSheets()
      Dim WorkRng As Range
      Dim xRow As Range
      Dim SplitRow As Integer
      Dim xWs As Worksheet
      On Error Resume Next
      Set xWs = Range("A1:A1000000").Parent
      Set xRow = Range("A1:A1000000").Rows(1)
      Application.ScreenUpdating = False
      For i = 1 To 1000000 Step 100000
          resizeCount = 100000
          If (Range("A1:A1000000").Rows.Count - xRow.Row + 1) < 100000 Then resizeCount = Range("A1:A1000000").Rows.Count - xRow.Row + 1
          Application.Worksheets.Add after:=Application.Worksheets(Application.Worksheets.Count)
          Set xRow = xRow.Offset(100000)
      Application.CutCopyMode = False
      Application.ScreenUpdating = True
      End Sub

      • Press F5.
      In this way, we have created 10 different sheets each with 100000 records.

  4. Thanks, it works perfectly. you are the best

  5. Hi! This is great! Is there a way to split the worksheet into separate sheets within the same workbook based on column?

    • Hi Jeff Blackwell,
      Thanks for reaching us. You can use the following code with some adjustments to split a worksheet based on column into some worksheets of the same workbook.
      Here, we will split the following worksheet based on the Month column and so the worksheet will be split into 3 different sheets – January, February, March.
      • Use the following code. Adjust the starting row number in nRow = 2, the column indicating letter in (the base column on which you will split the worksheet) objWorksheet.Range(“C” & nRow).

      Sub SplitSheetIntoMultipleWorkbooksBasedOnColumn()
          Dim objWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
          Dim nLastRow, nRow, nNextRow As Integer
          Dim strColumnValue As String
          Dim objDictionary As Object
          Dim varColumnValues As Variant
          Dim varColumnValue As Variant
          Dim xWS As Excel.Worksheet
          Set objWorksheet = ActiveSheet
          nLastRow = objWorksheet.Range("A" & objWorksheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
          Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
          For nRow = 2 To nLastRow
              strColumnValue = objWorksheet.Range("C" & nRow).Value
              If objDictionary.Exists(strColumnValue) = False Then
                 objDictionary.Add strColumnValue, 1
              End If
          varColumnValues = objDictionary.Keys
          For i = LBound(varColumnValues) To UBound(varColumnValues)
              varColumnValue = varColumnValues(i)
             Set xWS = Sheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
              xWS.Name = varColumnValue
              For nRow = 2 To nLastRow
                  If CStr(objWorksheet.Range("C" & nRow).Value) = CStr(varColumnValue) Then
                     nNextRow = xWS.Range("A" & objWorksheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
                     xWS.Range("A" & nNextRow).Select
                  End If
      End Sub

      • Press F5.
      Then, you will have 3 sheets- January, February, March.

  6. Hi,

    Good day,

    I have a problem when split the data . for example I use sheet name as Arrow Electronics Asia (S) Pte. Ltd. and its prompt error due to this reason:

    type the invalid for sheet/chart
    1. The name thatyou type doest not exceed 31 character.
    2. The name does not contain any of the following character:/
    3.You did not leave the name blank.

    Debug highlighted this code : xWS.Name = varColumnValue

    VBA code:

    Sub SplitSheetIntoMultipleWorkbooksBasedOnColumn()
    Dim objWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim nLastRow, nRow, nNextRow As Integer
    Dim strColumnValue As String
    Dim objDictionary As Object
    Dim varColumnValues As Variant
    Dim varColumnValue As Variant
    Dim xWS As Excel.Worksheet
    Set objWorksheet = ActiveSheet
    nLastRow = objWorksheet.Range(“A” & objWorksheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Set objDictionary = CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”)
    For nRow = 2 To nLastRow
    strColumnValue = objWorksheet.Range(“C” & nRow).Value
    If objDictionary.Exists(strColumnValue) = False Then
    objDictionary.Add strColumnValue, 1
    End If
    varColumnValues = objDictionary.Keys
    For i = LBound(varColumnValues) To UBound(varColumnValues)
    varColumnValue = varColumnValues(i)
    Set xWS = Sheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
    xWS.Name = varColumnValue
    For nRow = 2 To nLastRow
    If CStr(objWorksheet.Range(“C” & nRow).Value) = CStr(varColumnValue) Then
    nNextRow = xWS.Range(“A” & objWorksheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    xWS.Range(“A” & nNextRow).Select
    End If
    End Sub

    May I know how to fix the error since i have no issues when save the file with other name.

    Thank you in advance

    • Hello, AMIRA!
      Thanks for sharing your problem with us!
      The code works properly for me.

      Can you please send me your excel file via email? ([email protected]).
      So that, I can solve your problem.

      Good Luck!

      Sabrina Ayon
      Author, ExcelDemy

  7. This is so incredibly helpful!!! thank you!!! I almost feel like an ingrate asking for anything more, but here goes. Is there a way to choose the name of the resultant files? Like in your example, could the resultant files have been called January.xls, February.xls, etc.? How would you automate the naming process?

    • Hello Neil,

      Yes, there is a way to name the resultant files using Excel VBA. I am modifying the VBA code to split the column into multiple workbooks given above. This code will rename the new files as month names using monthNames () array.

      Here is the modified code:

      Sub SplitSheet_IntoMultipleWorkbooks_BasedOnColumn_withnames()
          Dim objWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
          Dim nLastRow, nRow, nNextRow As Integer
          Dim strColumnValue As String
          Dim objDictionary As Object
          Dim varColumnValues As Variant
          Dim varColumnValue As Variant
          Dim objExcelWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
          Dim objSheet As Excel.Worksheet
          Set objWorksheet = ActiveSheet
          nLastRow = objWorksheet.Range("A" & objWorksheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
          Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
          For nRow = 2 To nLastRow
              strColumnValue = objWorksheet.Range("C" & nRow).Value
              If objDictionary.Exists(strColumnValue) = False Then
                  objDictionary.Add strColumnValue, 1
              End If
          varColumnValues = objDictionary.Keys
          Dim monthNames() As String
          monthNames = Split("January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December", ",")
          For i = LBound(varColumnValues) To UBound(varColumnValues)
              varColumnValue = varColumnValues(i)
              Set objExcelWorkbook = Excel.Application.Workbooks.Add
              Set objSheet = objExcelWorkbook.Sheets(1)
              objSheet.Name = monthNames(i Mod 12) & ".xls"
              For nRow = 2 To nLastRow
                  If CStr(objWorksheet.Range("C" & nRow).Value) = CStr(varColumnValue) Then
                      nNextRow = objSheet.Range("A" & objSheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
                      objSheet.Range("A" & nNextRow).Select
                  End If
              ' Save the workbook with the appropriate name
              objExcelWorkbook.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & monthNames(i Mod 12) & ".xls"
              objExcelWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
      End Sub

      1. Enter the code in a module >> close the Visual Basic window.
      2. Go to the sheet you want to split >> Click on Developer >> Macros.
      3. In Macro dialog, select SplitSheet_IntoMultipleWorkbooks_BasedOnColumn_withnames >> Run.
      Macro Dialog
      4. Consequently, the new files appear with declared names.
      Created Sheets with Names

      Note: The new files are created in .xls format as you requested. You can change the format in the code if you want.

      I hope this was helpful to you. Let me know if you have any further queries.

      Best Regards,
      Yousuf Shovon

  8. Hello
    Change in the original sheet How changes apply to separated sheets simultaneously

    • Reply Avatar photo
      Musiha Mahfuza Mukta Jul 23, 2023 at 5:50 PM

      Thanks for your comment, Mojtaba. You can use VBA code which should be written in the original sheet. For example, I have a sheet named “Dataset“. I have divided this sheet into 3 sheets based on row. The names of these three sheets are Sheet5, Sheet6, and Sheet7. Now, write click on “Dataset” >> from the Context Menu Bar >> select View Code.

      Write the following code in VB Editor.

      Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
      x = Target.Value   
      Set MyRange = Sheets("Dataset").UsedRange.Find(x)
      Y = MyRange.Row
      Z = MyRange.Column
      If Y > 11 Then
      Target.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet7").Range("A1").Cells(Y - 8, Z)
      ElseIf Y > 7 Then
      Target.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet6").Range("A1").Cells(Y - 4, Z)
      ElseIf Y > 3 Then
      Target.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet5").Range("A1").Cells(Y, Z)
      End If
      End Sub

      Here, you must change the sheet names according to your workbook. Then you have to modify the conditions. Here, in my dataset there was 15 used rows. In the separated sheets there was 4 rows for each of them (except column headers). So, I set the conditions as row number > 11/7/3. So, when you change any cell value that value will be updated in the corresponding sheet. Like, if I change the cell value of C8 cell, then the change will be done in C4 cell of Sheet6 (as row number was 8).
      So, set all the conditions properly for all sheets, then with any change of the original sheet, you will get the updated values in other sheet too.
      Still, if you don’t get my point, then please comment or email us with the workbook. We will try to solve your problem.

  9. Hi, and thank you for this. Silly question; what to change if I wanted to split the data into separate files (or sheets) based on different column? In the example, it was by months but if I wanted to use the Sales Person or Region?

    • Hello Miran,

      You are most welcome. To split data into separate sheets based on different columns like Sales Person or Region, you will need to adjust the VBA code.

      Here is the updated VBA code:

      Sub SplitExcelSheet_byColumn()
          Dim WorkRng As Range
          Dim xWs As Worksheet
          Dim uniqueValues As Collection
          Dim cell As Range
          Dim NewSheet As Worksheet
          Dim ExcelTitleId As String
          Dim columnNumber As Integer
          Dim i As Long
          On Error Resume Next
          ExcelTitleId = "Column to Split By"
          ' Select the range and the column number to split by
          Set WorkRng = Application.InputBox("Select the range:", "Split Excel Sheet by Column", Type:=8)
          columnNumber = Application.InputBox("Enter the column number to split by (e.g., 1 for Column A):", ExcelTitleId, 1, Type:=1)
          Set uniqueValues = New Collection
          ' Start loop from the second row to skip headers
          For Each cell In WorkRng.Columns(columnNumber).Cells
              If cell.Row > WorkRng.Cells(1, 1).Row And cell.Value <> "" Then
                  On Error Resume Next
                  uniqueValues.Add cell.Value, CStr(cell.Value)
                  On Error GoTo 0
              End If
          Next cell
          Application.ScreenUpdating = False
          Set xWs = WorkRng.Parent
          ' Create new sheets based on unique values
          For i = 1 To uniqueValues.Count
              WorkRng.AutoFilter Field:=columnNumber, Criteria1:=uniqueValues(i)
              Set NewSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count))
              NewSheet.Name = uniqueValues(i)
              WorkRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy NewSheet.Range("A1")
          Next i
          Application.ScreenUpdating = True
      End Sub

      In the first InputBox insert the dataset range.
      Then choose the column number to spilt the data.


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