[Fixed!] Subscript Out of Range Error in Excel VBA

Here’s an overview of VBA code that outputs errors.

Subscript Out of Range Error in Excel VBA

What Is the Subscript Out of Range Error in VBA?

VBA Subscript out of range error occurs when we try to access any nonexistent member or nonexistent array in Excel. This is a “Run-Time Error 9” type of error in VBA coding in Excel. The error usually looks like this:

subscript out of range error in vba

Reasons Behind the “Subscript Out of Range Error” in VBA

Reason 1 – Nonexistent Workbook

  • We will use the following dataset.
  • The dataset contains information about the sales and revenue of a shop.
  • This Excel sheet is available in Subscript Out of Range in the VBA workbook.

Dataset for Showing Subscript Out of Range Error for Nonexistent Workbook

  • We opened the VBA window.
  • We inserted a module where we will place our VBA code.

Inserting Module

  • Here’s the code we used:
Sub SubOutRange()
End Sub

Writing Code for Selecting Worksheets of Sales Workbook

This VBA code will select the worksheets of the Sales workbook.
  • We tried to run the code.
  • The Sales workbook is not open.
  • The VBA Code is not finding the Sales workbook and shows the Subscript Out of Range error.

Showing Subscript Out of Range Error for Nonexistent Workbook

Read More: VBA Object Variable or with Block Variable Not Set in Excel

Reason 2 – Nonexistent Worksheet

  • In our Excel Workbook, we have sheets named Problem 2 and Problem 3.

Worksheets for Showing Subscript Out of Range Error for Nonexistent Worksheet

  • We inserted a new VBA code module.

Placing Module from Insert Tab

  • We used the following code:
Sub Nonexistence_worksheet()
Sheets("Solution 2").Select
End Sub

Writing Code for Selecting an Excel Sheet

The code selects the Solution 2 worksheet.
  • We tried to run the code.
  • We get the error Subscript out of range.
  • As there is no Solution 2 worksheet available in our workbook, the code can’t find and activate it.

Showing Subscript Out of Range Error for Nonexistent Worksheet

Read More: Reasons And Solutions for Excel Object Required Error in VBA

Reason 3 – Undefined Array Elements

  • We used the following code in the module:
Sub Undefined_Array_Elements()
Dim MyArr(1 To 10) As Integer
MyArr(1) = 100
MyArr(2) = 20
MyArr(3) = 25
MyArr(4) = 21
MyArr(5) = 29
MyArr(16) = 110
MsgBox MyArr(1)
End Sub

Writing Code for Defining Values in Array

We are defining values to an array and want to show the value of Myarr(1) in the message box.
  • We tried to run the code but it’s showing the Subscript out of range error.
  • We have declared the range from 1 to 10 but we are trying to access the 16th element of the array (MyArr(16)=110). This causes an error.

Showing Subscript Out of Range Error for Undefined Array Elements

Read More: [Fixed!] Excel Application-Defined or Object-Defined Error in VBA

Reason 4 – Assigning an Invalid Array

  • Here’s the code we used:

Writing Code for Defining Value in Elements of Array

Here, we are declaring an array as Long and inserting a value in 1st element of the array.
  • We tried to run the code, but it’s showing the Subscript out of range error.
  • The code is trying to enter the first element of an array, but the value is not actually an array, so it results in an error.

Showing Subscript Out of Range Error for Assigning Undefined Array

Read More: How to Fix Compile Error in Hidden Module in Excel

Reason 5 – Shorthand Script

If you use a shorthand from a subscript and it refers to an invalid element, then you will get the “Subscript out of range” error in Excel VBA. For example, [A2] is the shorthand for ActiveSheet.Range(A2).

Solution 1 – Open the Correct Workbook Before Running VBA Code

  • We will open the Sales workbook containing worksheets.

Creating Sales Workbook to Solve Error

  • We’ll open the VBA editor and insert a module:

Inserting Module to Write VBA Code

  • Insert the code in the module.

Writing VBA Code to Select Excel Worksheets of Sales Workbook

  • Press F5 on the keyboard to run the code.

Running VBA Code to Select Sheets of Sales Workbook

  • The code won’t show an error since the workbook is named correctly.

Result After Solving Subscript Out of Range Issue in Excel VBA

Read More: [Fixed!] Invalid Forward Reference in VBA

Solution 2 Create or Rename a Worksheet Properly Before Running VBA Code in Excel

  • We have added the Solution 2 worksheet and ran the code.

Creating Worksheet to Solve Subscript Out of Range Issue

Read More: [Solved!] Excel VBA “Argument Not Optional” Error

Solution 3 – Use Defined Array Elements

  • The array range is between 1 to 10.
  • We have to call the array in the range of 1 to 10.
  • We have replaced MyArr(16) with MyArr(8).

Modifying Code Using Defined Array Elements

  • Running the code no longer returns an error.

Result After Solving Subscript out of Range Error in VBA Excel

Solution 4 – Insert a Valid Array with Starting and Ending Points

  • Go to the module to edit the code.
  • Redefine the array with starting points between 1 and 10.
  • Run the code by pressing F5 and the code will not show any error.
Sub Assign_Invalid_Array()
Dim MyArr() As Long
MyArr(1) = 10
End Sub

Modifying VBA Code to Solve Error by Inserting Valid Array with Starting & Ending Points

Read More: [Fixed!] Unable to Set the Visible Property of the Worksheet Class

Solution 5 – Place a Valid Key Name and Index

You have to use a valid key name and index for the collection. Instead of writing ActiveSheet.Range(A2), you can just write [A2].

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Sanjida Ahmed
Sanjida Ahmed

Sanjida Ahmed, who graduated from Daffodil International University with a degree in Software Engineering, has worked with SOFTEKO since 2021. She has written over 100 articles on Excel & VBA and, since 2022, has worked as the Project Manager of the Excel Extension Development Project in the Software Development Department. Since starting this software development, she has established an outstanding workflow encompassing a full SDLC. She always tries to create a bridge between her skills and interests in... Read Full Bio

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