How to Use The SUMIF Function in Date Range Month in Excel (9 Methods)

We have two datasets: a company’s Record of Sales, and the records for construction company X, containing different projects and their costs.
SUMIF date range month

SUMIF date range month

Method 1 – Using the SUMIFS function for a Date Range of a Month

If you want to add the sales for a date range of January month then you can use the SUMIFS function and the DATE function.

SUMIF date range month


  • Enter the following formula in cell C15:

D5:D11 is the range of Sales, and C5:C11 is the criteria range which includes the Dates.
">="&DATE(2021,1,1) is the first criterion where DATE will return the first date of a month.
"<="&DATE(2021,1,31) is used as the second criterion where DATE will return the last date of a month.

using SUMIFS function

  • Press ENTER.

Now, you will get the sum of sales for a date range of 9 January to 27 January.

using SUMIFS function

Method 2 – Combining the SUMIFS function and EOMONTH function


  • Enter the following formula in cell D15:

$D$5:$D$11 is the range of Sales, $C$5:$C$11 is the criteria range
">="&C15 is the first criteria, where C15 is the first date of a month.
"<="&EOMONTH(C15,0) is used as the second criterion, where EOMONTH will return the last date of a month.

using SUMIFS and EOMONTH function

  • Press ENTER.
  • Drag down the Fill Handle tool.

using SUMIFS and EOMONTH function

You will get the sum of sales for different date ranges of January and February.

SUMIF date range month

Read More: Sum Values Based on Date in Excel

Method 3 – Applying the SUMPRODUCT function


  • Type the following formula in cell C16:

D6:D12 is the range of Sales, and C6:C12 is the range of Dates.

MONTH(C6:C12)will return the months of the dates, and then it will be equal to 1 and it means January.
YEAR(C6:C12)will provide the years and dates, and it will be equal to 2021.

using SUMPRODUCT function

  • Press ENTER.

You will get the sum of sales for a date range of 9 January to 27 January.

using SUMPRODUCT function

Method 4 – Summing up Values for a Date Range of a Month based on Criteria


  • Enter the following formula in cell C15:

D5:D11 is the range of Sales, E5:E11 is the first criteria range and C5:C11 is the second and third criteria range.
East is used as the first criterion.

">="&DATE(2021,1,1) is the second criterion where DATE will return the first date of a month.
"<="&DATE(2021,1,31) is used as the third criterion where DATE will return the last date of a month.

Sum up based on criteria

  • Press ENTER.

You will get the sum of sales for a date range of 9 January to 27 January for the East Region.

Sum up based on criteria

Method 5 – Combining SUM and IF Functions for Date Range of a Month Based on Criteria


  • Enter the following formula in cell C15.

For the IF function, three logical conditions have been used here that will match the desired date range and the criteria for the East Region.

using SUM and IF function

  • Press ENTER.

You will get the sum of sales for a date range of 9 January to 27 January for the East Region.

using SUM and IF function

Method 6 – Utilizing Excel Pivot Table


  • Go to Insert Tab>>PivotTable option.

using Pivot Table

Create PivotTable Dialog Box will pop up.

  • Select the table/range.
  • Click on New Worksheet.
  • Press OK.

using Pivot Table

Then a new sheet will appear where you have two portions named PivotTable1 and PivotTable Fields.

SUMIF date range month

  • Drag down the Date to the Rows area and Sales to the Values area.

The following table will be created.

  • Select any cell of the Row Labels column.
  • Right-click.
  • Choose Group Option.

using Pivot Table

  • Click on the Days and Months option in the indicated area.
  • Press OK.

using Pivot Table

You will get the sum of sales for a range of dates of a month as below.

Method 7 – Using the SUMIF Function Based on Empty or Non-Empty Dates

Case 1: Total Cost for Non-Empty Dates


  • Enter the following formula in cell C12:
=SUMIF(D5:D10,"<> ",E5:E10)

E5:E10 will give the range of Sales.
D5:D10 is the range of Dates.
“<> ” means not equal to Blank.

Empty or Non-Empty Dates

  • Press ENTER.

You will get the Total Cost for Non-Empty Dates.

Empty or Non-Empty Dates

Case 2: Total Cost for Empty Dates


  • Enter the following formula in cell C13:

E5:E10 will give the range of Sales.
D5:D10 is the range of Dates.
“” means equal to Blank.

Empty or Non-Empty Dates

  • Press ENTER.

You will get the Total Cost for Empty Dates.

SUMIF date range month

Method 8: Using the SUMPRODUCT Function for the Same Month of Different Years


  • Enter the following formula in cell C15:

D5:D11 will give the range of Sales.
MONTH(C5:C11)=1 is for January month.

same month of different years

  • Press ENTER.

You will get the sum of Sales for January of different years.

same month of different years

Read More: How to Do SUMIF by Month and Year in Excel

Method 9 – Using the TODAY Function to Sum Up Values

Case 1: Sum of Costs Before 10 Days from Today


  • Enter the following formula in cell C12:
=SUMIFS(E5:E10, D5:D10, "<"&TODAY(), D5:D10, ">="&TODAY()-10)

TODAY() will give today’s date.
"<"&TODAY() is the first criteria and the second criteria is “>=”&TODAY()-10.
E5:E10 will give the range of Sales.
D5:D10 is the range of Dates.

using TODAY function

  • Press ENTER.

You will get the Sum of Costs before 10 days.

SUMIF date range month

Case 2: Sum of Costs After 10 Days from Today


  • Enter the following formula in cell C13:
=SUMIFS(E5:E10,D5:D10, ">"&TODAY(), D5:D10, "<="&TODAY()+10)

TODAY() will give today’s date.
">"&TODAY() is the first criterion and the second criterion is “<=”&TODAY()+10.
E5:E10 will give the range of Sales.
D5:D10 is the range of Dates.

using TODAY function

  • Press ENTER.

You will get the Sum of Costs after 10 days.

using TODAY function

Practice Section

We have provided a Practice section for each method.


Download the Practice Workbook

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Tanjima Hossain
Tanjima Hossain

TANJIMA HOSSAIN is a marine engineer who enjoys working with Excel and VBA programming. For her, programming is a handy, time-saving tool for managing data, files, and online tasks. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. She holds a B.Sc. in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET and is now a content developer. In this role, she creates tech-focused content centred around Excel and VBA. Apart from... Read Full Bio

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