How to Sum All Matches with VLOOKUP in Excel (3 Easy Ways)

Consider the following dataset which contains a bookstore's stock. We'll use the VLOOKUP function to sum all matches for a particular criteria. ...

How to Combine SUMIF and VLOOKUP in Excel (3 Approaches)

  Overview: Excel SUMIF Function Objective: The function adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria. Formula: ...

How to Use VLOOKUP to Sum Multiple Rows in Excel (4 Methods)

In the dataset below, we have two columns displaying Products and Sales. Method 1 – Using VLOOKUP and Sum Matched Values in Multiple Rows ...

How To Combine SUMPRODUCT and VLOOKUP Functions in Excel (2 Examples)

Understanding the Scenario Let’s start with a basic example. Imagine we have a table with product names and their revenues over five months. We want ...

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