How to Track Time Spent on Projects in Excel (5 Useful Methods)

We have made a dataset named Dataset of Projects Finished in a Day. It has column headers as Project Name, Starting Time, and Ending Time. We’ll first consider that these projects end within a day. The dataset is like this.

how to track time spent on projects in Excel

Method 1 – Subtracting Two Times to Track Time Spent on Projects in Excel

  • Use the following Subtraction formula in cell E5.

D5 is the Ending Time and C5 is the Starting Time of project Apple.

how to track time spent on projects in Excel using subtraction

  • Press Enter.

how to track time spent on projects in Excel using subtraction

  • Use the Fill Handle tool by dragging down the bottom-right corner of the reference cell E5.

how to track time spent on projects in Excel using subtraction

We’ll get all the outputs from cell E6 to E14 like this.

how to track time spent on projects in Excel using subtraction

Method 2 – Using the TEXT Function to Track Elapsed Time

We can get the output in a day or hour by using dd or hh text inside the formula.

  • In the E5 cell, we can use the following formula for hour values.

how to track time spent on projects in Excel using TEXT function

  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to get the other outputs.

 TEXT function

Method 3 – Applying the NOW Function to Calculate Elapsed Time Spent on Projects

We know the Starting Time of a few ongoing projects.

  • Insert the following formula in the D5 cell.

 NOW function

  • Hit Enter and drag down the Fill Handle.

NOW function

Method 4 – Using the TIME Function to Calculate the Time Spent

  • Use the following function in D5:

Here, the NOW function will give the current time, then the HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND functions will extract the hour, minute, and second portion of this time. Finally, the TIME function will return the result as a time. Eventually, the result will be subtracted from the value of C5.

how to track time spent on projects in Excel using TIME function

  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to get all the outputs.

how to track time spent on projects in Excel using TIME function

Method 5 – Applying Combinations of Functions to Show the Complete Time Difference

  • We have the values in C and D columns and want to get the complete difference.
  • Use this formula in the E5 cell:
=INT(D5-C5) & " days, " & HOUR(D5-C5) & " hours, " & MINUTE(D5-C5) & " minutes and " & SECOND(D5-C5) & " seconds"

Formula Breakdown

  • D5-C5 → returns the difference between the times in the cells D5 and C5.
    • Output0414
  • INT(D5-C5) → becomes
    • INT(503.0414) →The INT function returns the integer value
    • Output503
  • INT(D5-C5) & ” days, ” → becomes
    • 503 & ” days, ” → The Ampersand operator joins 503 with days.
    • Output503 days,
  • HOUR(D5-C5) → becomes
    • HOUR(0.0414) →The HOUR function returns the value in hours
    • Output0
  • HOUR(D5-C5) & ” hours, ” → becomes
    • 0 & ” hours, ” → The Ampersand operator joins 0 with hours.
    • Output0 hours,
  • MINUTE(D5-C5) → becomes
    • MINUTE(0.0414) →The MINUTE function returns the value in minutes
    • Output59
  • MINUTE(D5-C5) & ” minutes and ” → becomes
    • 59 & ” minutes and ” → The Ampersand operator joins 0 with minutes
    • Output59 minutes and
  • SECOND(D5-C5) → becomes
    • SECOND(0.667) →The SECOND function returns the value in seconds
    • Output40
  • SECOND(D5-C5) & ” seconds ” → becomes
    • 40 & ” seconds” → The Ampersand operator joins 0 with seconds
    • Output40 seconds
  • INT(D5-C5) & ” days, ” & HOUR(D5-C5) & ” hours, ” & MINUTE(D5-C5) & ” minutes and ” & SECOND(D5-C5) & ” seconds” → becomes
    • 503 days, & 0 hours, & 59 minutes and & 40 seconds → The Ampersand operator joins the texts.
    • Output → 503 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds

how to track time spent on projects using combination of functions

  • Press Enter and use the Fill Handle to find all the outputs.

combination of functions

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Shajratul Alam Towhid
Shajratul Alam Towhid

Md Shajratul Alam Towhid, a BSc graduate in Naval Architecture & Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, holds a pivotal role as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy. Fueled by a deep passion for research and innovation, he actively engages with Excel. In his capacity, Towhid not only adeptly tackles complex challenges but also exhibits enthusiasm and expertise in gracefully navigating tough situations, emphasizing his unwavering commitment to consistently delivering exceptional, high-quality content that... Read Full Bio

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