How to Find and Replace Using VBA (11 Ways)


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How to Find and Replace Using VBA – 11 Ways

We will use the following table which has the records of test results of some students

VBA find and replace

Method 1 – Finding a String Without an Optional Parameter

We will find the student’s name marked by a red box, Daniel Defoe, in the Student Name column.

VBA find and replace


  • Go to the Developer tab and select the Visual Basic option.

finding without optional parameter

  • The Visual Basic Editor will open up.
  • Go to Insert and select Module.

finding without optional parameter

  • A Module will be created.

finding without optional parameter

  • Insert the following code:
Sub SimpleFind()

Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Sheets("without optional parameter").UsedRange.Find("Daniel Defoe")

If Not rng Is Nothing Then

    MsgBox rng.Address

    MsgBox rng.Column

    MsgBox rng.Row


    MsgBox "Not found"

End If

End Sub

Here, rng is declared as a range object, and “without optional parameter” is the name of the sheet.

After finding “Daniel Defoe” in the data range it will return the cell address, column number, and row number of this string in the Message Box.

In case the string is not matched up in the data range, then it will return “Not found”.

finding without optional parameter

  • Press F5.
  • You will get the following Message Box containing the cell position of the student.
  • Press OK.

VBA find and replace

  • You will get the column position of this student.
  • Press OK.

finding without optional parameter

  • Finally, you will get the row position of this student’s name.

finding without optional parameter

Method 2 – Finding Multiple Values With the After Parameter

Let’s find all the positions of the student Michael James, which is available multiple times in the dataset.

VBA find and replace


  • Open a new VBA Module (see the previous Method for exact steps).
  • Insert the following code:
Sub findingmultiplevalues()

Dim rng As Range, rng1 As Range, str As String

Set rng = Sheets("multiple values").UsedRange.Find("Michael James")

If rng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

MsgBox rng.Address

Set rng1 = rng

str = str & "|" & rng.Address


Set rng = Sheets("multiple values").UsedRange.Find("Michael James", After:=Range(rng1.Address))

    If InStr(str, rng.Address) Then Exit Do

    MsgBox rng.Address

    str = str & "|" & rng.Address

    Set rng1 = rng


End Sub

Here, rng and rng1 are declared as range objects and str as a string variable to store the address of the searched item.

multiple valuesis the sheet name and “Michael James” is the string that is to be found.

str = str & “|” & rng.The address will add the address to the string with a delimiter “|”.

The DO loop will continue through the range to look for other instances and if the address is found for any instances then the loop will end.

finding multiple values

  • Press F5.
  • You will get the following Message Box containing the first cell position.
  • Press OK.

finding multiple values

  • If it exists, you will get the second cell position of this student.
  • Press OK.

finding multiple values

  • This will continue for all repetitions of the located string.

VBA find and replace

Method 3 – Finding a String With the LookIn Parameter

You can use the LookIn parameter in the VBA code to find your desired string.

VBA find and replace


  • Open a new VBA Module (see Method 1 for details).
  • Insert the following code:
Sub FindwithLookIn()

Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Sheets("LookIn").UsedRange.Find("Daniel Defoe", LookIn:=xlValues)

If Not rng Is Nothing Then

    MsgBox rng.Address


    MsgBox "Not found"

End If

End Sub

“Lookin” is the name of the sheet and “Daniel Defoe” is the string that you are looking for.

Here, LookIn:=xlValues will give the final value of a cell after the calculation.

LookIn Parameter

  • Press F5.
  • You will get a Message Box containing the cell position of the string.

LookIn Parameter

Method 4 – Finding a String With Look at Parameter

You can find the position of the student William David by using the Look at Parameter in your VBA code.

VBA find and replace


  • Open a new VBA Module (see Method 1 for details).
  • Insert the following code:
Sub FindwithLookat()

Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Sheets("Lookat").UsedRange.Find("William", Lookat:=xlPart)

If Not rng Is Nothing Then

    MsgBox rng.Address


    MsgBox "Not found"

End If

End Sub

“Look at” is the name of the sheet and “William” is the string that you are looking for.

Here, Lookat:=xlPart will give the position of the string if it matches partially or fully (so, I have written here only “William”)  but Lookat:=xlWhole will give the position of the string if it matches fully (in this case you have to write “William David”).

Lookat Parameter

  • Press F5.
  • You will get the following Message Box containing the cell position of the student.

VBA find and replace

Method 5 – Finding a String With the SearchOrder Parameter

You can use the SearchOrder parameter to determine how the search will be carried out throughout the range to find the position of the student Michael James.

VBA find and replace


  • Open a new VBA Module (see Method 1 for details).
  • Insert the following code:
Sub FindwithSearchOrder()

Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Sheets("SearchOrder").UsedRange.Find("Michael James", SearchOrder:=xlColumns)

If Not rng Is Nothing Then

    MsgBox rng.Address


    MsgBox "Not found"

End If

End Sub

“SearchOrder” is the name of the sheet and “Michael James” is the string that you are looking for.

SearchOrder:=xlColumns will search for the value column by column and return the position of the string that comes first in the column-wise serial.

SearchOrder Parameter

  • Press F5.
  • You will get a Message Box containing the cell position of the student.

SearchOrder Parameter

  • Here’s an alternative code you can use:
Sub FindwithSearchOrder()

Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Sheets("SearchOrder").UsedRange.Find("Michael James", SearchOrder:=xlRows)

If Not rng Is Nothing Then

    MsgBox rng.Address


    MsgBox "Not found"

End If

End Sub

SearchOrder:=xlRows will search for the value row by row and return the position of the string that comes first in the row-wise serial.

SearchOrder Parameter

  • You will get a Message Box containing the cell position of the teacher named “Michael James” (because the teacher’s name comes first in the row-wise direction).

SearchOrder Parameter

Method 6 – Finding a String With the SearchDirection Parameter

You can use the SearchDirection parameter to determine the search that will be carried out throughout the range in which direction to find the position of the marked name of the student Michael James.

VBA find and replace


  • Open a new VBA Module (see Method 1 for details).
  • Insert the following code:
Sub FindwithSearchDirection()

Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Sheets("SearchDirection").UsedRange.Find("Michael James", SearchDirection:=xlNext)

If Not rng Is Nothing Then

    MsgBox rng.Address


    MsgBox "Not found"

End If

End Sub

“SearchDirection” is the name of the sheet and “Michael James” is the string that you are looking for.

SearchDirection:=xlNext will start the search in the top left-hand corner of the data range and search downwards, so it will give the position of the string that comes first.

SearchDirection Parameter

  • Press F5.
  • You will get a Message Box containing the cell position of the student named “Michael James” (serially first).

SearchDirection Parameter

  • You can try out the following code for variance in results:
Sub FindwithSearchDirection()

Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Sheets("SearchDirection").UsedRange.Find("Michael James", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)

If Not rng Is Nothing Then

    MsgBox rng.Address


    MsgBox "Not found"

End If

End Sub

SearchDirection:=xlPrevious will start the search in the bottom right-hand corner of the data range and search upwards, so it will give the position of the string that comes last.

SearchDirection Parameter

  • You’ll get the following Message Box containing the cell position of the student named “Michael James” (serially last).

VBA find and replace

Method 7 – Replacing a String Without an Optional Parameter

Let’s replace Donald Paul with Henry Jackson in the Student Name column.

VBA find and replace


  • Open a new VBA Module (see Method 1 for details).
  • Insert the following code:
Sub SimpleReplace()

Sheets("Simple Replace").UsedRange.Replace What:="Donald Paul", _ Replacement:="Henry Jackson"

End Sub

“Simple Replace” is the name of the sheet “Donald Paul” is the string that you are looking for and “Henry Jackson” is the new name that you want to replace the previous one.

simple replace

  • Press F5.
  • You will get the new name Henry Jackson in the position of Donald Paul.

simple replace

Method 8 – Replacing a String With the REPLACE Function


  • Open a new VBA Module (see Method 1 for details).
  • Insert the following code:
Sub FindReplace()

MsgBox Replace("This is You What I am", "You", "Me")

End Sub

“You” will be replaced by “Me”

simple replace

  • Press F5.
  • You will get the Message Box containing the replacement in the string.

VBA find and replace

Method 9 – Find and Replace String for a Range of Data

We will replace Donald Paul with Henry Jackson in the Student Name column.

VBA find and replace


  • Open a new VBA Module (see Method 1 for details).
  • Insert the following code:
Sub FindandReplace()

Dim rng As Range

Dim str As String

With Worksheets("Find and Replace").Range("B5:B10")

Set rng = .Find("Donald Paul", LookIn:=xlValues)

    If Not rng Is Nothing Then

    str = rng.Address


    rng.Value = Replace(rng.Value, "Donald Paul", "Henry Jackson")

    Set rng = .FindNext(rng)

    Loop While Not rng Is Nothing

    End If

    End With

End Sub

Here, Find and Replaceis the sheet name “B5:B10” is the range of students’ names, “Donald Paul” is the student’s name which is to be found out, and then “Henry Jackson” will be the student’s name instead of the previous one.

WITH statement will avoid the repetition of the piece of code in every statement.

The IF statement will assign the item’s address to the str variable and the DO loop will replace all occurrences of the search word.

find and replace

  • Press F5.
  • You will get the new name Henry Jackson instead of Donald Paul.

find and replace

Method 10 – Find and Replace Multiple Strings Simultaneously

We will replace the names of three students Joseph Michael, Michael Anthony, and Donald Paul, with Caroline Ceila, Katherine Anna, and Henry Jackson, respectively.

VBA find and replace


  • Open a new VBA Module (see Method 1 for details).
  • Insert the following code:
Sub Multiplestrings()

Dim Sheet As Worksheet

Dim findlist As Variant

Dim repalcelist As Variant

Dim n As Long

Set Sheet = Sheets("Multiple Strings")

findlist = Array("Joseph Michael", "Michael Anthony", "Donald Paul")

replacelist = Array("Caroline Ceila", "Katherine Anna", "Henry Jackson")

  For n = LBound(findlist) To UBound(findlist)

          Sheet.Cells.Replace What:=findlist(n), Replacement:=replacelist(n), _

          LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=True, _

          SearchFormat:=True, ReplaceFormat:=True

  Next n

End Sub

“Multiple Strings” is the sheet name, “Joseph Michael”, “Michael Anthony”, and “Donald Paul” are the students’ names to be found, and “Caroline Ceila”, “Katherine Anna”, and “Henry Jackson” will replace the previous names respectively.

The FOR loop will perform all of the replacements here.

multiple strings

  • Press F5.
  • You will get the new names in the sheet.

multiple strings

Method 11 – Find and Replace with the Numbers of Cells Changed

We will replace the student’s name Donald Paul with Henry Jackson and count the number of replacements.

VBA find and replace


  • Open a new VBA Module (see Method 1 for details).
  • Insert the following code:
Sub CountingReplacedCells()

Dim Sheet As Worksheet

Dim fnd1 As Variant

Dim rplc1 As Variant

Dim Count As Long

fnd1 = "Donald Paul"

rplc1 = "Henry Jackson"

Set Sheet = Sheets("With Cell Numbers")

Count = Count + Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheet.Cells, "*" & fnd1 & "*")

Sheet.Cells.replace what:=fnd1, Replacement:=rplc1, _

    LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=True, _

    SearchFormat:=True, ReplaceFormat:=True

MsgBox "I have made total replacements in " & Count & " cell(s)."

End Sub

“With Cell Numbers” is the sheet name, “Donald Paul” is the name to be found, and “Henry Jackson” will replace the previous name. Count will store the number of times the replacement occurs.

with cell numbers

  • Press F5.
  • You will receive a Message Box that shows the total number of replacements.

with cell numbers

Practice Section

We have included a practice section for each method.


Further Readings

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Tanjima Hossain
Tanjima Hossain

TANJIMA HOSSAIN is a marine engineer who enjoys working with Excel and VBA programming. For her, programming is a handy, time-saving tool for managing data, files, and online tasks. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. She holds a B.Sc. in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET and is now a content developer. In this role, she creates tech-focused content centred around Excel and VBA. Apart from... Read Full Bio

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