VBA to Delete Column in Excel (9 Criteria)

Generic Syntax

The generic syntax to delete single or multiple columns in Excel using VBA is:

Columns(column number/ column address).Delete

We will use the following dataset as an example.

Method 1 – VBA to Delete Single Column in Excel


  • Press Alt + F11 or go to the tab Developer -> Visual Basic to open Visual Basic Editor.

  • From the menu bar, click Insert -> Module.

  • Enter the following code.
Sub DeleteCol()
End Sub

Your code is now ready to run.

VBA to Delete Single Column in Excel

  • Press F5 on your keyboard or from the menu bar select Run -> Run Sub/UserForm. You can also click on the Play icon in the sub-menu bar to run the macro.

Column 5 (Apr) will be deleted from the dataset.

  • You can delete a column based on the column address instead of the column number. Insert the column address instead of the column number inside the parentheses. The code will look like this,
Sub DeleteCol()
End Sub

This code will delete the column E (Apr) from the dataset.

Method 2 – VBA to Remove Multiple Columns in Excel


  • Open Visual Basic Editor from the Developer tab and Insert a Module in the code window.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub DeleteMCol()
Columns(“C:E”).Delete ‘//delete cells from range C to E
End Sub

VBA to Delete Multiple Column in Excel

  • Run the macro.

The columns from C to E (Feb to Apr) will be deleted.

  • This process can also be done with the range. The code to delete multiple columns using range is shown below:
Sub DeleteMCol()
End Sub

This will delete columns C to E (Feb to Apr).

Read more: VBA Macro to Delete Columns Based on Criteria in Excel

Method 3 – VBA to Remove Multiple Non-Adjacent Columns in Excel


  • Open Visual Basic Editor from the Developer tab and Insert a Module in the code window.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub DeleteNAdjCol()
Range("C:E, G:I").Delete
End Sub

VBA to Delete Non-Adjacent Multiple Columns in Excel

  • Run the macro.

The columns from C to E (Feb to Apr) and G to I (Jun to Aug) will be deleted.

Method 4 – VBA to Delete Columns with Blank Cells in Excel


  • Open Visual Basic Editor from the Developer tab and Insert a Module in the code window.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub DeleteBlankCells()
Range("A1:J10").Select '//range of the dataset
End Sub

VBA to Delete Columns with Blank Cells in Excel

  • Run the macro.

All the columns carrying blank cells will be deleted.

Method 5 – VBA to Delete Blank Columns in Excel

The following sample dataset has some blank columns.


  • Open Visual Basic Editor from the Developer tab and Insert a Module in the code window.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub DeleteBlankCol()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 4
Columns(i + 1).Delete
Next i
End Sub

VBA to Delete Blank Columns in Excel

  • Run the macro.

All the blank columns will be deleted.

Method 6 – VBA to Delete Column from a Specific Worksheet in Excel


  • Open Visual Basic Editor from the Developer tab and Insert a Module in the code window.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub DeleteColFromSheet()
Worksheets("New Column").Select '// set the sheet name
End Sub

VBA to Delete Column from a Specific Worksheet

  • Run the macro.

The previous columns from D to F (Mar to May) from the New Column worksheet will be deleted.

Read More: How to Delete Columns with Specific Text in Excel

Method 7 – VBA to Remove Column from a Table in Excel


  • Open Visual Basic Editor from the Developer tab and Insert a Module in the code window.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub DeleteColTable()
Dim srcTable As ListObject
Dim srcSheet As Worksheet
'Set the table from which column is to be deleted
Set srcTable = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("ExTable")
'Set the sheet that contains the table
Set srcSheet = Sheet8
With srcSheet
End With
End Sub

VBA to delete Column from a Table in Excel

  • Run the macro.

Column 5 (Apr) will be deleted from the table.

Method 8 – VBA to Remove Multiple Columns from a Table in Excel


  • Open Visual Basic Editor from the Developer tab and Insert a Module in the code window.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub DeleteMColTable()
Dim srcTable As ListObject
Dim srcSheet As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
'Set the table from which column is to be deleted
Set srcTable = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("ExTable2")
'Set the sheet that contains the table
Set srcSheet = Sheet9
'Run the loop twice as we need to delete 2 columns
For i = 1 To 2
With Source
End With
Next i
End Sub

VBA to Remove Multiple Columns from a Table in Excel

  • Run the macro.

Columns 5 and 6 (Apr and May) will be deleted from the table.

Method 9 – VBA to Delete Column from a Table Based on Column Header in Excel


  • Open Visual Basic Editor from the Developer tab and Insert a Module in the code window.
  • Enter the following code.
Sub DeleteColHeaderTable()
Dim srcTable As ListObject
Dim srcSheet As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim colName As String
'Set the table from which column is to be deleted
Set srcTable = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("ExTable3")
'Set the sheet that contains the table
Set srcSheet = Sheet10
'Case sensitive
colName = "Apr"
'Loop through all the columns in the table
For i = 1 To srcTable.ListColumns.Count
With srcSheet
'Check the column header
If srcTable.ListColumns(i).Name = colName Then
Exit For
End If
End With
Next i
End Sub

VBA to Delete Column from a Table Based on Column Header in Excel

  • Run the macro.

The column header named Apr will be deleted from the table.

Read More: How to Delete Columns Based on Header Using VBA in Excel

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Sanjida Ahmed
Sanjida Ahmed

Sanjida Ahmed, who graduated from Daffodil International University with a degree in Software Engineering, has worked with SOFTEKO since 2021. She has written over 100 articles on Excel & VBA and, since 2022, has worked as the Project Manager of the Excel Extension Development Project in the Software Development Department. Since starting this software development, she has established an outstanding workflow encompassing a full SDLC. She always tries to create a bridge between her skills and interests in... Read Full Bio

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