Sub GenerateAppraisalForms()
Dim wsMaster As Worksheet
Dim wsTemplate As Worksheet
Dim newWs As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim employeeName As String
Dim department As String
Dim folderPath As String
Dim deptFolderPath As String
Dim fileName As String
' Set references to the master sheet and the template
Set wsMaster = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Master")
Set wsTemplate = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Alka")
' Base folder path where the department folders will be created
folderPath = "C:\EmployeeForms\" ' Change this to your desired path
' Loop through each employee in the master sheet
For i = 2 To wsMaster.Range("A" & wsMaster.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
' Get employee name and department
employeeName = wsMaster.Cells(i, 4).Value
department = wsMaster.Cells(i, 6).Value
' Create a new worksheet and name it
Set newWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count))
newWs.Name = employeeName
' Copy the template to the new sheet
wsTemplate.Cells.Copy Destination:=newWs.Cells
' Copy the PageSetup settings from the template to the new sheet
With newWs.PageSetup
.Orientation = wsTemplate.PageSetup.Orientation
.PaperSize = wsTemplate.PageSetup.PaperSize
.FitToPagesWide = wsTemplate.PageSetup.FitToPagesWide
.FitToPagesTall = wsTemplate.PageSetup.FitToPagesTall
.PrintArea = wsTemplate.PageSetup.PrintArea
.LeftMargin = wsTemplate.PageSetup.LeftMargin
.RightMargin = wsTemplate.PageSetup.RightMargin
.TopMargin = wsTemplate.PageSetup.TopMargin
.BottomMargin = wsTemplate.PageSetup.BottomMargin
.HeaderMargin = wsTemplate.PageSetup.HeaderMargin
.FooterMargin = wsTemplate.PageSetup.FooterMargin
.CenterHorizontally = wsTemplate.PageSetup.CenterHorizontally
.CenterVertically = wsTemplate.PageSetup.CenterVertically
End With
' Fill in the data from the master sheet
With newWs
.Range("C2").Value = wsMaster.Cells(i, 4).Value ' Employee Name
.Range("C3").Value = wsMaster.Cells(i, 5).Value ' Designation
.Range("E3").Value = wsMaster.Cells(i, 6).Value ' Department
.Range("C4").Value = wsMaster.Cells(i, 8).Value ' Reporting To
.Range("E4").Value = wsMaster.Cells(i, 2).Value ' Location
.Range("C5").Value = wsMaster.Cells(i, 7).Value ' Date of Joining
.Range("E5").Value = wsMaster.Cells(i, 11).Value ' Yrs of Experience
.Range("C6").Value = wsMaster.Cells(i, 3).Value ' Employee ID
.Range("E6").Value = wsMaster.Cells(i, 12).Value ' Present CTC PA
End With
' Create department folder if it doesn't exist
deptFolderPath = folderPath & department & "\"
If Dir(deptFolderPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir deptFolderPath
End If
' Save the new sheet as a new workbook in the department folder
fileName = deptFolderPath & employeeName & ".xlsx"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fileName
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
' Delete the new sheet from the current workbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Next i
End Sub