Welcome to our ExcelDemy Forum! Based on your post, I understand you wish to separate the text E057707070033 into three different cells in Excel. Assuming you have static text lengths, one easy way to do this is to merge the MID and CHOOSE functions. The formula is as follows:
Text Seperation in Different Cells-1.png
The formula is a dynamic array formula in Excel that can be used to split a text string into three parts and extract different lengths of characters from the text string.

  • Instead of pressing just the Enter key, you need to press the combination of keys: Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
  • This formula cannot handle inputs that have different lengths.
If you have inputs that have different text lengths, let me know.

Yousuf Shovon
Thanks so much.

The formula could only separate the prefix. For instance, it gave 'E0' for E057707070033.

Can you please help me with the mid information and the suffix as well.

Thank you.

Hello Yawfrank,

I appreciate your concerns and sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding. Although the previous formula is displaying the whole numbers ( Prefix, Mid information, and Suffix) in my Excel 365 version, it should also work for other versions as well if you follow the instructions correctly. Further, I am attaching my Excel file here for a better understanding. However, if you still face the same issue, you can apply another method as described below.

In this new method, we will manually apply LEFT, MID, and RIGHT functions to divide the numbers individually and put them in 3 separate cells.
  • To obtain the prefix, enter the below formula and press Enter key.
  • For mid information,
  • To get the suffix, type:
  • Thus, you obtain the separated texts.

Please let me know if you still have further issues with this.

Best Regards,
Yousuf Shovon


  • Texts Seperation in 3 Cells.xlsx
    12.2 KB · Views: 5
Please I would be grateful if you could help find the date difference in terms of 'years, months and days' for the attached data.

Thank you in advance.



  • DATEDIFF.xlsx
    46.5 KB · Views: 3
Dear Frank,

Did you consider using the VBA function instead of the DATEDIF function? I have solved the issue using this method and it works.

Here is the VBA code for this.
Option Explicit

Public Function Diff2Dates(Interval As String, Date1 As Variant, Date2 As Variant, _
Optional ShowZero As Boolean = False) As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_Diff2Dates

   Dim booCalcYears As Boolean
   Dim booCalcMonths As Boolean
   Dim booCalcDays As Boolean
   Dim booCalcHours As Boolean
   Dim booCalcMinutes As Boolean
   Dim booCalcSeconds As Boolean
   Dim booCalcWeeks As Boolean
   Dim booSwapped As Boolean
   Dim dtTemp As Date
   Dim intCounter As Integer
   Dim lngDiffYears As Long
   Dim lngDiffMonths As Long
   Dim lngDiffDays As Long
   Dim lngDiffHours As Long
   Dim lngDiffMinutes As Long
   Dim lngDiffSeconds As Long
   Dim lngDiffWeeks As Long
   Dim varTemp As Variant

   Const INTERVALS As String = "dmyhnsw"

'Check that Interval contains only valid characters
   Interval = LCase$(Interval)
   For intCounter = 1 To Len(Interval)
      If InStr(1, INTERVALS, Mid$(Interval, intCounter, 1)) = 0 Then
         Exit Function
      End If
   Next intCounter

'Check that valid dates have been entered
   If IsNull(Date1) Then Exit Function
   If IsNull(Date2) Then Exit Function
   If Not (IsDate(Date1)) Then Exit Function
   If Not (IsDate(Date2)) Then Exit Function

   If Date1 > Date2 Then
      dtTemp = Date1
      Date1 = Date2
      Date2 = dtTemp
      booSwapped = True
   End If

   Diff2Dates = Null
   varTemp = Null

'What intervals are supplied
   booCalcYears = (InStr(1, Interval, "y") > 0)
   booCalcMonths = (InStr(1, Interval, "m") > 0)
   booCalcDays = (InStr(1, Interval, "d") > 0)
   booCalcHours = (InStr(1, Interval, "h") > 0)
   booCalcMinutes = (InStr(1, Interval, "n") > 0)
   booCalcSeconds = (InStr(1, Interval, "s") > 0)
   booCalcWeeks = (InStr(1, Interval, "w") > 0)

'Get the cumulative differences
   If booCalcYears Then
      lngDiffYears = Abs(DateDiff("yyyy", Date1, Date2)) - _
              IIf(Format$(Date1, "mmddhhnnss") <= Format$(Date2, "mmddhhnnss"), 0, 1)
      Date1 = DateAdd("yyyy", lngDiffYears, Date1)
   End If

   If booCalcMonths Then
      lngDiffMonths = Abs(DateDiff("m", Date1, Date2)) - _
              IIf(Format$(Date1, "ddhhnnss") <= Format$(Date2, "ddhhnnss"), 0, 1)
      Date1 = DateAdd("m", lngDiffMonths, Date1)
   End If

   If booCalcWeeks Then
      lngDiffWeeks = Abs(DateDiff("w", Date1, Date2)) - _
              IIf(Format$(Date1, "hhnnss") <= Format$(Date2, "hhnnss"), 0, 1)
      Date1 = DateAdd("ww", lngDiffWeeks, Date1)
   End If

   If booCalcDays Then
      lngDiffDays = Abs(DateDiff("d", Date1, Date2)) - _
              IIf(Format$(Date1, "hhnnss") <= Format$(Date2, "hhnnss"), 0, 1)
      Date1 = DateAdd("d", lngDiffDays, Date1)
   End If

   If booCalcHours Then
      lngDiffHours = Abs(DateDiff("h", Date1, Date2)) - _
              IIf(Format$(Date1, "nnss") <= Format$(Date2, "nnss"), 0, 1)
      Date1 = DateAdd("h", lngDiffHours, Date1)
   End If

   If booCalcMinutes Then
      lngDiffMinutes = Abs(DateDiff("n", Date1, Date2)) - _
              IIf(Format$(Date1, "ss") <= Format$(Date2, "ss"), 0, 1)
      Date1 = DateAdd("n", lngDiffMinutes, Date1)
   End If

   If booCalcSeconds Then
      lngDiffSeconds = Abs(DateDiff("s", Date1, Date2))
      Date1 = DateAdd("s", lngDiffSeconds, Date1)
   End If

   If booCalcYears And (lngDiffYears > 0 Or ShowZero) Then
      varTemp = lngDiffYears & IIf(lngDiffYears <> 1, " years", " year")
   End If

   If booCalcMonths And (lngDiffMonths > 0 Or ShowZero) Then
      If booCalcMonths Then
         varTemp = varTemp & IIf(IsNull(varTemp), Null, " ") & _
                   lngDiffMonths & IIf(lngDiffMonths <> 1, " months", " month")
      End If
   End If

   If booCalcWeeks And (lngDiffWeeks > 0 Or ShowZero) Then
      If booCalcWeeks Then
         varTemp = varTemp & IIf(IsNull(varTemp), Null, " ") & _
                   lngDiffWeeks & IIf(lngDiffWeeks <> 1, " weeks", " week")
      End If
   End If

   If booCalcDays And (lngDiffDays > 0 Or ShowZero) Then
      If booCalcDays Then
         varTemp = varTemp & IIf(IsNull(varTemp), Null, " ") & _
                   lngDiffDays & IIf(lngDiffDays <> 1, " days", " day")
      End If
   End If

   If booCalcHours And (lngDiffHours > 0 Or ShowZero) Then
      If booCalcHours Then
         varTemp = varTemp & IIf(IsNull(varTemp), Null, " ") & _
                   lngDiffHours & IIf(lngDiffHours <> 1, " hours", " hour")
      End If
   End If

   If booCalcMinutes And (lngDiffMinutes > 0 Or ShowZero) Then
      If booCalcMinutes Then
         varTemp = varTemp & IIf(IsNull(varTemp), Null, " ") & _
                   lngDiffMinutes & IIf(lngDiffMinutes <> 1, " minutes", " minute")
      End If
   End If

   If booCalcSeconds And (lngDiffSeconds > 0 Or ShowZero) Then
      If booCalcSeconds Then
         varTemp = varTemp & IIf(IsNull(varTemp), Null, " ") & _
                   lngDiffSeconds & IIf(lngDiffSeconds <> 1, " seconds", " second")
      End If
   End If

   If booSwapped Then
      varTemp = "-" & varTemp
   End If

   Diff2Dates = Trim$(varTemp)

   Exit Function

   Resume End_Diff2Dates

End Function

Public Function HrsMinDiff(ByVal d1 As Variant, ByVal d2 As Variant) As String
Dim s As String, var
s = Diff2Dates("hn", d1, d2, True)
s = Replace$(Replace(s, " hours ", ":"), " hour ", ":")
s = Replace$(Replace(s, " minutes", ""), " minute", "")
var = Split(s, ":")
HrsMinDiff = Format$(var(0), "00") & ":" & Format$(var(1), "00")
End Function

Public Function diff(ByVal d1 As Variant, d2 As Variant) As String
Dim ret As String
d1 = CDate(d1): d2 = CDate(d2)
ret = Diff2Dates("ymd", d1, d2, True)
If Left$(ret, 1) = "-" Then ret = Mid$(ret, 2)
diff = ret
End Function

Here, I have created 3 VBA functions. Copy the code and paste it into a module. Afterward, in D5, use the VBA function created.
Thus, you obtained the desired result. I have attached the Excel file here. Follow the article https://www.exceldemy.com/how-to-subtract-dates-in-excel-to-get-years/ for other methods.

Yousuf Shovon


  • DATEDIFF.xlsm
    58.9 KB · Views: 2
Hi Yousuf,
Can I ask for your help with a date \ hours problem? I would like to solve this is excel without using VBA.

I want to book my time based on tasks, but then also include delays.
Task A = 9 hours (1 Day and 1 hour)
Task B = 15 hours (1 day and 7 hours)
Task C = 5 hours.
Total Hours = 29 hours (3 days 5 hours.) - This I can calculate... except when there are 11 hours I don't know how to convert the next 8 into another day plus 3 hours.

If one day I need to add a 1 hour meeting - Project planning
each subsequent day a 30 minutes of Stand up meeting.
Each day allocate 15 minutes for admin.
3 days, 5 hours now looks like
3d5h + 1h + 3x30m + 3x15m =
3d5h + 1h + 1.5h + 45m
3d5h + 3h 15m
3d8h15m which is...
4d0h15m + 30m + 15 (add the additional hours for the additional new day.) This smacks of circular formulas...
I hope this all makes sense. I'm sure you have had this question before.

Please help.
Thank you.
Hi Yousuf,
Can I ask for your help with a date \ hours problem? I would like to solve this is excel without using VBA.

I want to book my time based on tasks, but then also include delays.
Task A = 9 hours (1 Day and 1 hour)
Task B = 15 hours (1 day and 7 hours)
Task C = 5 hours.
Total Hours = 29 hours (3 days 5 hours.) - This I can calculate... except when there are 11 hours I don't know how to convert the next 8 into another day plus 3 hours.

If one day I need to add a 1 hour meeting - Project planning
each subsequent day a 30 minutes of Stand up meeting.
Each day allocate 15 minutes for admin.
3 days, 5 hours now looks like
3d5h + 1h + 3x30m + 3x15m =
3d5h + 1h + 1.5h + 45m
3d5h + 3h 15m
3d8h15m which is...
4d0h15m + 30m + 15 (add the additional hours for the additional new day.) This smacks of circular formulas...
I hope this all makes sense. I'm sure you have had this question before.

Please help.
Thank you.
Hello Gary,

Welcome to our ExcelDemy Forum! I understand you wish to compose an Excel formula. Thanks for the detailed explanation although a demo dataset would be really helpful. Further, I have questions like,

What are we taking as input?
Is it a string saying '9 hours (1 Day and 1 hour)' or two separate columns for hours - i.e. 9, 23, or something else?
Or perhaps a start time and task time?

However, I guess simple adding be sufficient in your case. You can use the below formula:
Also, to convert the total hours to days and hours, you can use the INT and MOD functions.
=INT(Hour/24)&" days, "&MOD(Hour,24)&" hours"

I have attached an Excel file to assist u. Can you show me an example if you still face issues regarding this?

Yousuf Shovon


  • Gary.xlsx
    10.5 KB · Views: 1

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